Tuesday, 26 May 2015

dnf-plugins-core for epel7

with new mock are failing on epel7 builds for fedora 22 and above, because dnf builddep is provided by dnf-plugins-core, which is not in epel yet.
for those, who use mock on epel7 and needs build for fedora 22 and rawhide, there is https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/jkastner/dnf-plugins-core/

build is based on 0.1.5 version, which corresponds to dnf-0.6.4, which already is in epel7.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

udev rules - bInterfaceNumber

as owner of flyswatter2 (further fs2) i need very often use serial console of fs2, which is second ttyUSB interface.
problem is, that fs2 doesn't have always the same order.
i had already udev rules for ftdi devices to assign permissions to those ttyUSBn, but it was not enough.

as you can use SYMLINK="something", i wanted to have symlink /dev/ttyFlyswatter2 to be able simply attach to console using screen.
first what comes to mind is following:


but it doesn't worked. i found similar problem solution which i adopted to my needs:
